Advanced Dentistry of Connecticut

What are Inlays and Onlays?

Jun 10, 2013 @ 12:28 PM — by Reza Radmand
Tagged with: Dental Restorations Tooth Decay Restorative Dentistry

When people think of tooth decay, they usually think of dental fillings. Yes, dental fillings are a good option for treating cavities and improving your overall dental health, and yet there are times when dental fillings will not be able to meet a patient's needs. In these cases, the team at our Fairfield cosmetic dentistry center has many other options for you. One great option for major tooth decay and tooth damage is inlays or onlays, which we'd like to go over right now.

What are inlays and onlays?

Inlays and onlays are dental restorations that are used to restore portions of tooth structure that have been severely damaged or decayed. In many ways inlays and onlays are similar to dental fillings, though they are able to restore larger sections of a tooth, including the entire cusp (top biting portion).

Ideal Candidates for Inlays and Onlays

The best candidates for inalys and onlays are people who have experienced substantial tooth decay, tooth erosion, or tooth damage and are no longer good candidates for getting traditional dental fillings. These patients should be in otherwise good dental health.

Inlays, Onlays, Dental Fillings, and Dental Crowns

In general, inlays and onlays are an intermediary dental restoration for people who have too much tooth damage for dental fillings to restore but still have enough healthy tooth structure remaining that dental crowns are not deemed necessary.

Each of these dental restorations are good options to consider to save a tooth from extraction, though it is important to us that patients retain as much healthy tooth structure as possible. This is ideal for patients in the long run, which is why dental crowns are generally a last resort for treatment.

The Inlay and Onlay Procedure

During the inlays and onlays procedure, the first step will be the preparation of a tooth for treatment. During this phase, the compromised tooth structure is carefully removed, retaining as much healthy tooth structure as possible. An impression is then taken of the prepped tooth. From this impression, the inlays and onlays are crafted for the best possible fit and appearance.

Once the inlays and onlays are created, your dentist will check them for fit and color match before they are adhered in place.

Weighing All of Your Options for Effective Dental Care Treatment

Your dentist has many different ways of enhancing the health and beauty of your smile. During your consultation, we will go over the basics of inlays and onlays as well as other options for dental restoration. By knowing about all of your options in full detail, you will be able to get the best possible dental treatment. We will be sure to answer any and all questions that you may have.

Schedule a Dental Visit and Consultation

For more information about inlays, onlays, and your many other options for dental restoration treatment, be sure to contact our Stratford, CT cosmetic dentistry center today. The entire team looks forward to discussing these issues in greater detail and helping you achieve the best possible dental health.